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from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/general-article/lincolns-political-landscape/ |
Some Questions to Consider
Your blog assignment for 10/1 comes in two parts.
Choose 2 discussion questions from the list below. Research and post
about them.
• In a comment box marked on this page, post
about 2 questions and provide a short paragraph answer to the question (3-5
sentences) for each.
Then respond to two additional posts (2-3
sentences). Your response should include a.) whether or not you agree with
the author of the post's comments. b.) provide insight from your readings and
previous knowledge. c.) include external links or YouTube clips that
provide evidence for your response.
1. What is the
significance of the two black classes in New Orleans?
2. Define an "internal
3. Who came up with the Missouri
Compromise? What state did he represent?
4. What was the Fugitive Slave
Act of 1793?
5. What events led to the
formation of the African Methodist Episcopal Church?
6. Which states enacted liberal
manumission laws and in what years?
7. What significant event ended
the revolution in Haiti in 1804?
8. What concerns did the
greater society have in regards to educating African children?
9. There was a free class of
African American citizens. How did they become free? How are
miscegenation and Creole cultures a factor in these Free African American stories?
miscegenation and Creole cultures a factor in these Free African American stories?
10. How did the cotton gin of
1793 change things for the society's construction of slavery?
11. Explain Gabriel’s conspiracy
and discuss some of the lasting effects of the planned rebellion?
12. Define Northwest Ordinance.
13. Define manumission.
14. Define abolition.
14. Define abolition.
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ReplyDeleteWhat is the fugitive slave act?
ReplyDeleteFugitive Slave Act- allowed masters or their agents to pursue slaves across state lines, capture them and take them before a magistrate
The fugitive slave act of 1793 was an act respecting fugitives from justice, and persons escaping from the service of their masters. This act guaranteed the right of a slaveholder to recover an escaped slave and created the legal mechanism by which that could be accomplished.
ReplyDeleteThe Fugitive Slave act of 1793 gave the slave owner the right to recover any escaped slave. Many of the slaves were going north where there was no slavery. As this became more popular, many of the slave owners were losing their slaves. This act gave the owners the right to go gather their escaped slaves.
ReplyDelete4. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 was an Act of the United States Congress to give effect to the Fugitive Slave Clause of the U.S. Constitution. It guaranteed the right of a slaveholder to recover an escaped slave. The Act's title was "An Act respecting fugitives from justice, and persons escaping from the service of their masters" and created the legal mechanism by which that could be accomplished.
ReplyDeleteManumission is the act of a slave owner freeing his slaves.
ReplyDeleteManumission is the act of a slave owner freeing or releasing the their slaves. Many slave owners would come up with very complex or hard things that the slave must complete in order to be released. Many of the task were near impossible.
ReplyDeleteDefine Manumission-
ReplyDeletehe act of a slave owner freeing his or her own slaves.
The Haitian revolution ended in 1804 with the defeat of the French. After the revolution Jean-Jacques Dessailes rose to power and issued the 1804 massacre. During this massacre the remaining white population in Haiti were killed.
ReplyDeleteWho came up with the Missouri Compromise? What state did he represent?
ReplyDeleteThe Missouri compromise was a compromise created by Henry Clay to make Missouri a slave state while making Maine a free state. Henry Clay represented the state of Kentucky.
The Northwest Ordinance stated that new states north of the Ohio river would not be able to legally have slavery. It passed July 13, 1787.
ReplyDeleteNo.6 Virginia 1782, Deleware 1787, Maryland 1790, Kentucky 1792, Missouri 1804
ReplyDeleteDefine Northwest Ordinance
ReplyDeleteThe Northwest Ordinance provided for the orderly sale of land, support for public education, territorial government and the eventual formation of new states. The ordinance banned slavery immediately but because it applied to only the Northwest Territory, the ordinance left the huge region south of the Ohio River open to slavery expansion.
This is true. It was a good step in the right direction in American history but the fact that it was so limited hindered it from having as big of an impact as it could have.
DeleteThe Northwest Ordinance created the first organized north western territory in the United States. This was the first organized territory beyond the Appalachian mountains.
ReplyDeleteThis is true. It also created a three stage method for admitting a state into the union and it included a bill of rights that detailed religous freedoms and other undeniable rights.
Delete10) The Cotton Gin made the need for Slavery even more demanding. Since the cotton gin increase the production of separated cotton. The farmers needed bigger farms so they can increase the amount of separated cotton even more. So farmers got more slaves to do that work for them.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this post. The cotton gin allowed cotton production expanded from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales in 1850. As a result, the South became even more dependent on plantations and slavery.This link provides evidence for my response: http://www.civilwar.org/resources/civil-war-history-how-the.html
DeleteI agree as well! The cotton gin also also had a major impact on american politics. Since the cotton gin was so labor intensive, the slave population increased, leading to southern states having more representatives in the House of Reps. This is why most of America's early political figures are from the south.
DeleteWhen Eli Whitney originally made the cotton gin he was trying to make slavery obsolete. Reality showed that it actually increased the demand for slavery. Slavery increased dramatically between 1820 and 1860. This is due to the cotton gin and the greed of the white slave owners.
DeleteWhen Eli Whitney originally made the cotton gin he was trying to make slavery obsolete. Reality showed that it actually increased the demand for slavery. Slavery increased dramatically between 1820 and 1860. This is due to the cotton gin and the greed of the white slave owners.
DeleteThe significance of the two black classes is the emegence of african americans through the intermingling of indian and european ideals culturally and physically through creolization and miscegenation.
ReplyDelete13. Manumission: The act of a slave owner freeing his slaves. Different approaches developed each specific to the time and place of a society's slave system.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe Missouri Compromise?
ReplyDeleteIt was introduced by Henry Clay and it regulated slavery in Missouri. Both proslavery and antislavery agreed to the act. It officially prohibited slavery in the Louisiana territory except within the state of Missouri.
The first group were the Creoles which were free blacks the second were slaves straight from Africa and Spain
ReplyDeleteThe Creoles wanted to be equal and did lots of skill work as well as sold and bought slaves.
DeleteThe slaves were being treated worse as time went on with the push for increase the growth of sugar and cotton crops. This group was the largest of the two.
The two groups were seperated by location African culture and Protestant religion.
The significance of the two mainly dealt with economic value and the difference of the two. The Creoles could help themselves economically as well as others however the slaves strictly for the economic advancement of the white slave owners
I agree with this post. It is interesting to examine the Creole population in current day Louisiana, and how the same social structure may or may not exist, or what being Creole now means economically and culturally.
DeleteLouisiana imported about 6,000 slaves in 1720 and by 1731, the black population out numbered the white. Many ended up living in New Orleans, working apart from their masters, became Roman Catholics and gained their freedom. With the large population of black people, NOLA also became a place where white men would exploit black women, resulting in a large population of mixed raced peoples. The emergence of mulattos and creoles created a social structure where the color/lightness of one's skin implied social status.
ReplyDeleteMissouri Compromise: Missouri in 1819 requested to be a slave state. To keep the peace Congress allowed for Missouri to be a slave state as long as Maine became a free state. This kept the balance between the 22 states in America even between free states and slave states.
ReplyDeleteWhat I found was the class of free black people were those that were free by manumission. That is when their master would free them and sometimes make them a part of the colonization.
ReplyDeleteAfter the Great Awakening took place, slaves really wanted to became heavily involved in religion. White slave owners did not deny the slaves this right but they made sure to keep them separate. Blacks were not comfortable with this idea because they wanted to be fully involved in their religious practices therefore, they started their own church- the AME Church.
ReplyDeleteThis is true, in fact at this time slaves found inspiration to one day start their own churches that are unique to them. One full of dancing, shouting, and clapping, and singing were characteristics for these meetings which clashed with the meekness and traditional atmosphere of white christian churches .
Delete8. It was feared that black literacy would be a threat to the slave system so whites in many colonies instituted laws forbidding slaves to read or write and making it a crime for others to teach them. There would be lawful actions taken towards those who taught them any way.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the author of this post. I think that white slave owners were very threatened by the slaves. Slave owners knew they were outnumbered by slaves, but the fact that the slaves were uneducated gave them additional power over the slaves. In this link, http://www.pbs.org/wnet/slavery/experience/education/docs1.html, it says masters wanted slaves to rely on them. Becoming literate would allow slaves to gain more independence.
DeleteI also agree with this post. It is also important to think long term and understanding the implications of such laws/how such laws had lasting effects on the black community.
Delete11. Gabriels conspiracy was that he planned the rebellion around the time of the election, so it would seem like an Anti-Federalist act when really they were just marching against slavery. The lasting effects would be like he gained the support of the Anti-Federalists in the election and gained international support from two frenchman. When the rebellion was supposed to happen, the plan wasn't carried through because of a bad rain storm and 27 men, including Gabriel, were hanged because of a member of the group notifying authorities of the plan.
ReplyDelete10. Most of the slavery held in the south worked on tobacco plantation. That was the money crop, when the cotton gen was invented, it escalated the economy in the U.S. It created an even greater need for free labor; and a community that wasn’t willing to give it up for nobody. Slaves where being sold left and right, and where also being sold to plantations in the west. Spreading slavery and the need for slavery to make a capitalist living all over America.
ReplyDelete13. Manumission is the act of a slave owner freeing his or her slaves. What may look as an act of sentiment is actually for the benefit of slave owners. The slaves freed where usually in the master’s will after long years of service. And the slaves freed where usually old slaves looked at as useless. It also let off some weight off the slave owner, so that they could convince themselves that they were “good” slave owners.
ReplyDeleteManumission seems like a bittersweet ending. The slave gets to be free at the end of a tumultuous time as another man's slave, but he has lost his good age. He has no skills to go make a living anywhere else. He may be free by the rule of the state but economically he is still enslaved to the white slave owners around him. Because he can only do the work that they want.